The Field - A Beginning

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Yes! Yes yes yes!

I have been dreaming that I could write this post, this way, the past couple of weeks.  Here goes....

Over the summer I have been a busy bee writing lesson plans, presentations and swotting up on theory and today I have passed my BHS PTT.  This basically means that with one or two more things (first aid course, child protection course - no more exams at any rate!) I am a qualified riding instructor. Amazing, I am really pleased.  I am now able to work as a riding instructor in a commercial riding establishment or private yard or as a freelance coach.

I went to Newton Hall, in Suffolk this morning to complete the exam - one of the modules I had to have a second go at, but no need to dwell on such details :-) The important thing is I have now passed all the modules.  The feeling when you pass an exam is so wonderful - you can't bottle it, its great.  Yet the feelings of nerves and panic in the hours leading up to the exam are not so great. I feel I am getting a little too old for doing this sort of thing - I went to college and university in my younger days and went through my fair share of exam stress. And practical exams make me even more nervous for some reason, a bit like taking your driving test. Awful. The examiner told me I need to work on my nerves and be more confident - hmmm, I merely nodded, nervously.

The day was not without hitches however, I forgot my watch (quite important for teaching a lesson as one needs to know how much time one has left ) and so stopped off, in an increasing panic, at numerous service station en routé to Suffolk, but to no avail -  none of them sold watches (sure I bought a watch once in a service station .....) I was only about 20 minutes away from the exam venue when I thankfully I passed one of those enormous Tesco Extras and they, of course, had watches. "Thank God for Tescos!" I cried to the woman on the check out.

Anyway now on with BHS Stage 3 training. The Stage 3 exam will be the last one I take. Everrrr . It will be all I need to run the riding school and that's good enough for me.

On my way home I stopped off at the shop to pick up a bottle of something to celebrate with - and ever thrifty -  I purchased some cava, not champagne.  This also means we can drink two bottles of cava for the same price as one bottle champagne. Ha ha ha aha.



  1. Oh I love this post! You clever clever funny girl! Well done xxxx
