The Field - A Beginning

Monday, 21 January 2013

Snow and Mice

The snow brings with it a welcome and much needed psychological break from the mud, however the chore of carrying buckets of water out to the stables and other animal enclosures is now a real pain (literally, in my arms and back).  It is pretty (the snow) and the animals don't seem to mind it, but I am looking forward to the kids going back to school and "business as normal" resuming.

After thinking the Parish Council weren't going to put in an objection, the Parish Council have put in an objection.  Quite a long one, with lots of points - none of which seem too significant but still need responding to.

Anyway, we have spent the weekend in a rather long and arduous e-mail exchange with said Parish Council (PC) - it is a war of will, a battle of the written word and implied suggestions. All weekend I was a mad, typing fiend; dashing in from the snow to check my inbox and then, on receiveing a reply from the PC, madly , and hotly, typing back a frenzied response.  The date for the Planning Committee meeting has also been put back, we are trying not to read too much into this.  Basically I am living on my nerves, and around a bottle of chardonnary a night.

I had been feeling quite smug about my new skills in this game - what with no objection from the PC after my meeting with them, and then managing over new year to poutlice my mare's foot and relieve her lameness I was thinking I was pretty damn clever.  This week however, not only has the PC objected, but when the farrier came to shoe Springtime he said there was still some abcess under her shoe and I have been poutlicing it all weekend.  Not so clever after all - feeling a little deflated, rather like a balloon watching all the air wush out of it.

I have changed you know.  Just tonight I found 2 mice in an empty feed bin (I had left the lid off it and they must have jumped in and then been unable to get out).  Now these are very cute little mice, in fact any vegetarians should stop reading now, but do you know what I did?

Before I tell you, bear in mind I have a  mouse problem in the garage where all the feed is kept and we have put traps and poison down to little avail.  Anyway, I called over the dog (who actually isn't too bad at catching the little mice) and tipped the feed bin over slightly so that he could get in and kill the mice. I even heard myself shout out, excitedly, " go on boy, get em" !!!! I would not have done this a year ago.  I would have ran, shrieking from the garage going "babe, babe!, there's mice in the feed bin - get rid of them - but don't kill them!".

Anyway the dog is fairly useless and only managed to get one.  He dropped the other one and it ran off.

Still, the thought of spring is cheering me on, we are nearly at the end of Jan and then only Feb to go ........... and after half a bottle of chardonnay this evening I am feeling quite cheerful :-)

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