The Field - A Beginning

Monday, 30 January 2012

Training with the RDA (Riding for the Disabled)

I went along for my first session as a helper today with the RDA at the Contessa Riding School in Ware.  I have been wanting to do something like this my whole life, but if you have a full time job and then young children it is impossible to get the time.  I am in such a fortunate position to be able to finally do this.

I was quite scared that I wouldn't be able to do it, that I'd be too upset working with the children.  However I had a very gentle introduction to it today as the children had mild learning difficulties and could ride really quite well. I was thrown in at the deep end a bit, as when I got there the RDA were a helper short and so I was leading a pony rather than watching.  However Alex and Jade, the children I led, were brilliant and really enjoyed themselves.  I am going back next Monday afternoon to continue my volunteering.

There is so much to learn, but after today I am convinced that this is what I want to do and I really want riding for children with disabilities to be a part of what we do with the field. Certainly not a money maker, but a very worthwhile and enjoyable thing to do.

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