The Field - A Beginning

Thursday 27 October 2011

Farming Philosophy

"Compassionate Farming" is the way we will do things. The animals will be completely free range, valued & respected.
More on our farming philosophy to follow.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

The First Hatch

The Bantam Pekins have hatched 5 chicks:

The chicks are now 3 weeks old and  go outside in the run each day. The Pekins share mothering duties.

October Progress: Fencing & Bridging

It is getting towards the end of October and we have 5 acres of paddock drilled with horse seed paddock.  We have rented the remaining 23 acres out to the farmer for the next 12 months. We are having a bridge built from our garden, over the brook, onto the field and the fencing guy will start fencing around the 5 acres and making 3 paddocks within the 5 acres in early November.


I need to start & finish the business plan and planning applications for the horse riding / livery business whilst I have my nanny 2 days a week.  I also need to get everything ready for the pigs and decide what veg I am going to grow in year 1. Oh and go on various courses in pig keeping and soil management etc as I know nothing yet about any of that.

Its amazing how many people I know have told me they have all sorts of agricultural / animal husbandry qualifications that they got before I knew them.  You know who you are and I may be calling you soon :-)

Also, it feels very self centred to be writing this blog, I wonder if other bloggers blogging about themselves feel this way?


Today I took the kids to Jimmy's Farm in Suffolk. I remember watching Jimmy's tv series and so thought seeing his farm would give me some inspiration, particularly as I am thinking about keeping pigs.  He has rare breed saddle backs. I have to say, both the piglets and the mum saddle backs looked great and the plan is to buy some weaners to arrive next Spring.

The issue with pigs is of course whether I will be able to send them to the abattoir when the time comes, or whether I will have become too attached to them.  If I hate it then I won't keep pigs again and may even turn vegetarian (!).

I thought Jimmy's Farm was great, such a good set up and a wonderful day out.  Certainly inspiring. I will e-mail the Farm and ask whether I can but some of their weaners. They also run pig keeping courses, which I will book a place on asap. Plus we saw Jimmy in the flesh!

Thursday 20 October 2011

21 October

Well, we have a field. And it's quite big, 28 acres of agricultural land. This blog will tell the story of how we build a way of life and a business on "the field".
I have finished my job in HR in the City to focus on the field and so the first chapter begins ...